Evaluation & Workup: IV Sedation Checklist

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IV Sedation Preoperative Checklist

  • ______ Monitors (EKG, pulse ox, capnography, BP)
  • ______ Oxygen on
  • ______ NPO status
  • ______ Review Medical History
  • ______ Escort (name, phone number, need to stay in waiting room)
  • ______ Consent
  • ______ Drug (sedatives & emergency drugs)
  • ______ Ambu bag
  • ______ Bite block ready for induction
  • ______ Yankhaur Suction
  • ______ IV supplies, spike bag and clear line
  • ______ Drill set up and ready
  • ______ Review instruments
  • ______ Assistant in room
  • ______ Sign out to faculty